Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December Motivation

Happy Holidays day to all my readers!

Well, how many of you would consider yourself determined? How about motivated?

I bet many of you would answer a quick...YES. No one likes thinking they are lazy and have no goals to succeed in life. Goal setting is the first thing we learn growing up.

How to prioritize things....how to balance...how to learn.

We all have a goal whether you think so or not. Some may be bigger than others...but we all do.

There is one thing I struggle to find piece with when I see those working on their goals and dreams...

The dreadful...."I CAN'T."

I know your reading this and now thinking of a time you said this...and go ahead. I want you to.

But my story for you today comes with a little background of my life to because I don't think many of you understand what your telling others when you say those words.

To give up and not risk anything does nothing to further your dream.  All of the big people in our country in the past and present ALL risked failure before they made something of themselves. If you don't get out of your comfort zone you will never reach your full potential. If you never decide to work hard and push yourself then you will never get to the next level or reach the unimaginable.

Growing up, I have played a sport that takes a toll on your lower body. I continued to do it because I loved it and did it well. Even if that sport got me 4 broken foot bones, broken ankles, dislocations, back fractures, 4 concussions....

We all go through it. Those who continue to fight are the ones who prevail ultimately. There wasn't a day in my college career that I woke up and said I can't. No matter how bad I was hurting or weak I felt I always made it my mission to give it my best.

Inside and out, rain and sun, cold and snow....whatever the situation....I wanted to be the best. That's how you need to take on your dream and goal.

You won't reach it without dedicating yourself to it! You must be prepared to fail....and learn to rise above and try again.  Even the brightest and smartest don't get things right on the first attempt.

On a daily basis I see a young war veteran, who I graduated with, now go into the YMCA and everyday train WITHOUT LEGS. We joke because he thinks he is better off than me and my legs...but seeing someone like that is an eye opener! He is thankful for what he has and is working with that!

No legs. Oh well work the arms. That's all that's to it!

Unfortunately, for me....I just feel like I am struggling to find ANY positive news to my situation. Going on 15 months and 8 weeks since my stem cell procedure WHICH was supposed to be when I was back 100%.

This morning, I stepped onto the treadmill hoping to be able to try running without pain.  I wasn't expecting any miracles because the past 8 weeks have been more painful than the entire year before it.

2 Minutes.  That was all my knee could take. Let alone squats.

So much ran through my head immediately after. Should I try again? Should I quit? Should I call my surgeon with anger?

WHAT THE HELL!? --------those were the exact words. I felt let down. disgusted. Absolutely just terrible with everything. I have been fighting for 15 months and still am right where I started! How is it possible!?

I honestly don't think too many of you realize how important fitness is to me. It's exactly why I do what I do. I love it. I live and breathe it. I would trap myself into a gym for the rest of my life if I could. But having an injury to my knee and shoulder has put a restraint on my own training.

Some days I feel lost. I feel like something is missing and I know exactly what it is! The worst part about it is that I can't do anything about it. Not a thing. All I can do is hope and pray that I heal up or that another surgery would be the answer.

That's why I am so lucky to have this facility I opened. I couldn't be more lucky and proud of EVERYONE who comes in and works hard for me! I know God has a plan for me and is doing this for a reason. I feel like I can take on anything once I get through this hell. It has been torchore for the past year and a half and just so excited to someday workout again!!!

I had a close friend and client tell me today.....

"So every time I work out, I am going to remember that you would give anything .......anything.........to have two good legs.  And remember I can see beyond those eyes..........and when you are feeling down, remember your ox........who knows that strong heart, strives to makes the best of every situation.......and is putting forth energy you probably don’t always have to improve the lives of others.  So right now........believe me, you are an inspiration and I will continue to pray and walk with you through the shadows."

That just sums up what my friends and family do and mean to me! Love you all!

I am so thankful for the opportunity I have to help provide a healthy service to my community! I had a great session last night and had a few new friends in town who dropped in for a workout and boy were they surprised!

I even had the public opinion stop by and he was AMAZED with the atmosphere and how hard everyone worked and how intense it was!! :)

Mike Over , left, owner of Over-Achieve Fitness, trains gym members tonight. Check Public Opinion for an upcoming story about the intense workouts.

These days, fitness gets a lot of divergence and bad representation with unskilled trainers and false information. It's always tough to find the right one or right place that knows what is going on.

"Is this going to help me?"
"Does that trainer know a lot about the industry?"
"Will this atmosphere help me reach my goals?"

These are some of many questions you start thinking about when going to a new gym.

And if your like me, IT'S TOUGH to leave a place your comfortable working out at now.

But guess what, the only way you will EVER be successful in life is if you GET OUT of that comfort zone and try something new....something off the charts....something that will spark that fire in your mind.

That's exactly why I am reaching out to all of you who are on the borderline of joining.

Over-Achieve Fitness is the real deal. I know my stuff. I don't believe in doing curls on a bosu ball. I don't believe in slow boring cardio for fat loss, nor do I believe in using a battle rope while on a wobble board.

Fitness is about STRENGTH. It's about CONDITIONING. Combining the two is what makes an athlete fit. That fully develops someone into their greatest potential.

Sure, balance and stability components are CRUCIAL to this as well. BUT, they need to be implemented properly.

That's what we do here. My newly renovated facility is one that will only continue to grow and cater to all the athletes and people in this town who are TRULY dedicated to their health.

So, if you are used to going to the gym....hoping on the elliptical or treadmill for an inefficient warm-up, then plugging away at machines and bench pressing.....

I challenge you...to give this place a shot. I have people of all levels and just started an entry level group as well to help those who are just starting their fitness path after a long time off.

Some are marathoners, some are marines, some are just fit 20 year olds. No matter what the demographic....



Study after study has proven slow cardio and machines to be a waste of time when trying to get lean and muscular. As you age, it's very important to resistance train to maintain your muscle mass.

In Fact,

Think your cardio machine is doing a lot for your weight loss?

New Study:

-Subjects who did 40 minutes of slow cardio three times per week for 15 weeks didn't lose a single inch of stomach fat.

-Subjects that did ONLY 20 minutes of interval training, three times a week reduced their belly fat (and thinned their thighs).

(Reference: Trapp, E.G., Chisholm, D.J., Freund, J., Boutcher, S.H. (2008). The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women. International Journal of Obesity. 32(4):684-691.)


Treadmill: Overestimated calories burnt by 13%
Stationary Bike: Overestimated calories burnt by 7%
Stair Climber: Overestimated calories burnt by 12%
Elliptical: Overestimated calories burnt by 42%

There you have it. A little motivation and information to keep you thriving and determined to stay at your best! I don't want to see ANYONE quit on a count on tired. This holiday season make it your mission to hang in there TOUGH with your workouts. Do each one with the most effort you can, and I promise you....

you will be led down a path of greatness and new beginnings!

Until next time, 

Stay Strong and keep fighting.....for ME! (Say a prayer I don't need another surgery!! ) 

Because I would give ANYTHING to have two good legs and be able to work hard like you can!

Mike Over
Strength & Conditioning Specialist

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