Monday, February 17, 2020

Do CALORIES matter?

A simple thought for tonight....

Comparing these two things when it comes to many people ask me about CALORIES and what is better if you just need to lose weight....

"Should I focus on the total calories?"
"Should I make sure the food sources are healthy?"

There are so many things out there and we truly never know what is right! BUT....let me add some clarity for you all...

1️⃣ Just because something is less calories DOESN'T MEAN it is more nutrient dense! This is an EXTREME comparison, I know...but you get the idea!

✔️Check the ingredients, never just go with the claims on the front of the package⠀⠀ ✔️ Check the overall sugar content and sugar to fiber ratio⠀⠀ ✔️ Check the number of servings in the package⠀⠀ ✔️ Be aware how that plays into your overall daily intake

2️⃣ Less doesnt always mean BETTER. Yes, total calories matter when it comes to weight loss, but the overall picture is that MOST can keep in their caloric goals when eating nutrient dense foods.

You never hear someone say they lose weight and get ripped when they eat processed garbage everyday.....The reason is simple...

🥞It is VERY easy to overeat these foods and they hardly satisfy you.

🧁It DOESN'T mean their isn't ANY room for this. Balance is the key, BUT if your overall goal is cannot expect to fuel your tank on 87 when it takes 91 premium.

Now....who admits🤷🏼‍♂️ to falling trap of the "calorie count" mania, and what has it done for you?

🍫Personally, if I eat this crap, I feel like crap, and my workouts are crap. If I want to train at my best, I must eat the rainbow(no...not lucky charms....LOL....but with fruits and veggies and lean meats!) ....

Does this mean I never indulge? No, but you get out what you put in! So many of you who maybe fall victim to the "weekend binge" diet...I will be blunt with you....

😓Don't expect to get the results you want. Do the math. Eating in a slight deficit all week is all good and dandy, BUT 2 meals overdoing it by 500+ calories(which is SUPER easy to do when eating out) ....will set you right back to SQUARE 1️⃣....

You can take this for what it's worth....but this is my opinion!

Monday sentiments🧐

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