Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Something MAGICAL happened on Saturday

 So you think this is just another “look at Mike and his perfect love ❤️ life post huh…

👍Just another date night picture-perfect style, right?

❌Well, I’m about to get real with you. It’s not.

To be honest, it’s something I struggle with EVERY chance we get a day/time without kids….

😌I freakin ruin it.

You see, 5 minutes before this, my wife left me stranded on the street in the pouring rain 🌧 after I let the stress of our life travel into our first afternoon without kids in months. 

🧐Something I tend to do EVERY time because I want to try to be the perfect dad and husband. 

That’s the truth. I want to be the best, so stressing and worrying is what I do, so I brought the negative with me and let the shitty rain, long wait at the restaurant chaos of our life surface into our only day with each other.

🤦‍♂️It took her walking away from me in anger and ditching me for me to realize I had it all wrong. 

😍My wife told me one thing that stuck to me…

“Mike, I don’t care about our chaos, our stress, you working harder…I JUST WANT YOU!”

🙌🏻This was my ahaa moment, that realization that not only was I being cyclical of what I preach, but I’ve been focusing on the wrong things all this time!

❌It’s not what she wants. 

❌It’s not about the money, the perfect life, the perfect ANYTHING.

❤️It’s that she wants her husband. She wants ME. 

And through the last two years, I’ve been ripped to pieces, chewed up, spit out and eaten again…so it has been easy for me to lose sight. 

But the 💯vision is clear, God has a plan. Being overworked and stressed gets me nowhere, but being there for my wife and family is what matters!

There isn’t a second I want to take for granted, and this date night that bright clarity to me might seem relatable to you.

❓How many times have you gone with family with the intentions RIGHT but you fail to let go of your stress…

I’m a slow work in progress, in terms of being a family man…but my god I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t have Meg there to bring me back and remind me it’s not always about MORE. 

So many of us men struggle to realize that and think their families want more money and more work from you, when all they really want is a hug.

On the way home the sky then reminded me that God is in control. I may be broken, but the pieces are lining up to form something great. Some of us just have to allow it to be listened to.

Take time today to listen, allow yourself time to be free from stress and God's direction to soak in.

Happy Sunday! 

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