Sunday, October 3, 2021

The RAW truth.....what it means to be a MAN

I've been working on a new research topic for a magazine article coming up. 

Interestingly enough, it had me sidetracked into a new blog I wanted to make a post about, simply because of how relatable it is.

For me at least, because I am NOT afraid to come out and say it....

I was a physical and emotional wreck. 

You see, as men....we are told to wear special hats....these hats have iron and grit built-in, and fear that is swallowed so far low that not even the new Halloween movie can pull out. 

Our lives are supposed to be just that....TOUGH.....we are supposed to wear masks up covering our deep issues, because...after all...we are born to be MEN and tough!

We don't talk about our emotions and our feelings. 

We don't complain about our health. 

We don't make excuses. 

We just DO!

We DO all this hiding and tend to bury our true feelings until our wives peel it out of us or cause an argument 😂.

You see, over the wife watched me change. She saw my health decline. She witnessed EVERYTHING that has happened step by step. 

Opening OAF was my dream....I was 21 and ecstatic. I could be worked to death. Heck, I remember doing 4am-10pm all week.....I remember unloading HUNDREDS of pieces of equipment off trailers and assembling with a friend all by myself then going into training all day. 

I remember doing 10 sessions a day and leaving each one with a bigger smile than when I started! 

Each year, I was given advice and rules to follow from my coaches that were to help me grow and be the best I I listened. 

Whether it was good advice or not, I was too young to care. I just wanted to make something of myself doing what I loved doing and changing lives. I didn't know much about business so I leaned on my coaches to help.

But each year became increasingly harder.....


- Stress......Stress.....STRESS.....STRESS......STRESS......STRESS

I loved changing lives, training, and having energy.....but I let my business run ME and I listened to IT instead of what I NEEDED.

The end result was me doing pieces I did NOT enjoy, missing out on the feeling of making an IMPACT, and letting go of the TRUE love that I did....the TRAINING.

Over the years, my wife watched in silence as I would go into work at 4:24 am(yes it was that exact time), come home at 12 for my dog, then in from 2-5:30....shove food down while answering calls, emails and client needs.....then sticking myself in my office for 6-10pm doing work to help the gym either grow or help my members be happy and get where they want. 

My point in all this...


We give up our health to make sure others are taken care of, just like a lot of women....and even worse....some of us just don't talk about it.

I've learned the hard way and found out how important HEALTH is to us guys. I may have looked healthy, but I was FAR from it. SEVERE gut inflammation, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, DANGEROUS testosterone levels, thyroid levels and other key hormones controlling my body and mind. 

Don't believe me....For 7 years I've been to doctors across the country in HOPES of them telling me I had something seriously wrong....because I had no idea why I kept having so much pain sending me to the hospital each month it seemed. 

THOUSANDS of dollars on doctor's visits I am so in debt now for.....when a lot of this has come to my OWN conclusion that it is NOT Crohns, it's NOT SIBO, it's not IBS, it's not a parasite or allergy....


All from doing what I THOUGHT was right....and it ultimately sunk me further away from my TRUE self and my family. 

So why is it that we guys ALWAYS want to hide from the truth? Why is it that EVEN THOUGH we might be suffering inside, that we tend to hold up a wall and not talk about it? 

I am doing a new research topic on this and found the same things with men not admitting to the deep issues they might be having. 

WE ALL get one life, and it's about time you make time to live yours.....

Wasting time gets you nowhere but deeper in the hole and further away from what matters.


It might have taken me a decade to figure this out, but I have now, and I am not looking back.

So for all you dads and men out there, don't be afraid to loosen up that wall. Don't be afraid to take care of yourself. Don't be fearful of thinking you are too FAR gone or not able to reach your dream body after 40.

I'm here to tell you that 40 is the BEST age to get the body you want! 

So to wrap up this quick thought, any guy reading this, just take a second to answer this 5 question survey....

And NEVER feel afraid to reach out to me personally. I lived it, breathed it, and know what it's like to live behind a door no one understands.

You deserve to be the BEST version of yourself

Your Coach, 


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