Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday---News For OAF, + Why You Are ALREADY struggling to stay motivated in 2015.

Winter is among us...


Well, whether you look at it with a smile of frown, I guess it doesn't matter...because the snow is bound to stay for a couple months adapting is what we do best.

Did everyone have a great snow day yesterday? I saw so many posts of my members out playing with their kids and having fun.....and you know what I thought to myself...

YOU all are inspiring. Because as I ate dinner Friday night at AKI, I took a look around and noticed just how many overweight and unhealthy parents there were in was truly sad to see....and even worse is the fact that I would highly doubt most of them would be able to play all day out in the snow with their kids....

Isn't that one of the reasons to be healthy? For your family?

To be able to go to zoos and walk all day, play outside with them, and build memories that will last a life time....

yet so many of our parents today can't seem to grasp that concept.

I remember growing up EVERY single time my dad would come out and throw a football with me, kick a soccer ball, even play in HEATED basketball games. It was the highlight of my days....along with my brother.....we came home from school and shot around WAITING for dad to get home and play basketball with us!

So seeing lots of my members posting pictures just warms my heart! It honestly doesn't get any better!

So, keep up the great work, be an inspiration to your kids, be the parent that builds memories for them to hold onto, because it is one thing I never forgot growing up! It can even be said that it is why I love being active so much....I did that instead of the hours of video games and tv....

So for my members....AWESOME...proud of you all!!

Now, for some of you who are seeming to struggle already with your New Year's resolutions...

A simple piece of advice for you...


Yes, you over shot your goal...You need to think SMALLER steps....going from zero to 100mph is tough to do...and only leads to disappointment.

Take a client of mine for example....Sharon Bigler....double knee in October....

For what, 4 months now she had to put her training on hold, lose bouts of strength and cardiovascular endurance....and had to start going to physical therapy 3 times a week learned how to bend her knees first and walk...

Talk about starting from scratch....

She is now back to training with me....and has  SMALL goals every few weeks to improve on....

She isn't looking to get running in XXXX amount of time....she is looking to squat maybe 10 degrees above parallel next week! A big improvement from even two weeks ago! And that makes her happy!

That keeps her motivated....seeing the small progressions! Which is exactly what you need to think about!

Not the racer and speedster trying to get it immediately but instead, focus on smaller steps and you will have far less road blocks that will ultimately get you to your goals!

So for this week....shoot for ONE goal....ONE thing to improve on!

I have one for my entry level members....and it will be something I try to do each week for them!

Week One: No SODA...Not even DIET. ONE WEEK.

See, isn't that better than trying to go a whole year....

Baby Steps! You all can do it! I believe in you all SO MUCH!

Trust me, I was no goldmine when it came to goal setting either, but my accident helped me learn that I can't train so much, so often, and be so intense EVERYDAY....Just not going to happen. I learned that I will have bad days, I will have days that I am struggling....and it is not going to ruin my progress if I learned to back down and have light days.

And now, I feel stronger and more fit than I ever did before two knee surgeries and torn labrums in my shoulders.....all done with LESS....

So, remember, the best part about training and being that it is ALWAYS there....Same with your other goals....make the choice to start and start with a proper step!

You can do it!!

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