Monday, April 8, 2019

Over the weekend I had some time to think….

Over the weekend I had some time to think….

I mean, any day now my life will be changed forever. My wife is 38.5 weeks pregnant, and I am going to be a dad!

My instant reaction is:

  1. What am I going to do?
  2. Where am I going to get the money?
  3. How am I ever going to sleep?
  4. What will I do to my “routine.”
  5. How will my schedule be effected…
  6. How can I still be a good dad and run a business and two side jobs and teach.

These are just some of the crazy amount of thoughts racing through my head….but the one in particular is about my routine and schedule and how it will be affected. 


I relate this to members and prospects on a daily basis as a fitness professional and coach.

The magic use of the word TIME becomes vitally important, and without a doubt I will be making sure I cherish every moment of everyday.

No matter how busy you are…you can always make time for what’s important. These words have been said by nearly every genius and man power/wealth out there…so take it for what it’s worth.

For me, it becomes more important to be a good father and husband. My family is always my priority. 

But it doesn’t mean I have to trash my goals, my schedule, my dream job, and my current life. 

In fact, I plan on making LARGER moves. Becoming MORE well know. Making a BIGGER name for myself.

Each step you take will put you either closer or further away from your goals, and there is no reason to let a newborn derail you from your dream. 

So for all you “naysayers” out there….go suck a cow!

Because I’m quite honestly tired of all the damn comments about my sleep being wasted, no more time for MY work, MY training, and MY routine. 

You make time for what’s important, and all these things are to me, as well as being a SUPER dad and coach. 

So I will do what it takes, organize and plan to make my days a positive step towards reaching my goals.

So for any mom or struggling dad out there who is looking for an outlet, an escape, or even a WAY to get that magic time back for yourself….

Click here, and see how I can help you strategize and prioritize your days. The Beauty on the Beach 2019 is a kick ass way to get into Over-Achieve, support our local business friends from the Chambers Apothecary, and start adopting new tools and tips to leverage your time.

Did I mention you will get a FREE Combo of Chambers' brand D-3 1,000iu (100 capsules) & Chambers' brand Super Omega 3 when you sign up?

That’s right! For each entry, we have teamed up with Rob and company from the apothecary to get you guys an awesome product to go along with your sign up with us!

We know the SUN is all about that Vitamin D, so we are adding it to your stack to get your skin and energy levels RIGHT where they need to be! 

So don’t MISS a beat, and hope on this LIMITED OFFER before they sell out.


I hope to see you all soon! This offer is on the table until we sell out of product so either:

  1. SIGN UP >>>>
  2. Tell Rob and C.A. to order more! 😂


Your life is what you make of it! There is NO one telling you how to live it. It’s YOUR choice. 

So let’s make this summer one to remember and drop 18-25lbs in the next 6 weeks with me by your side!

See you soon, 

Coach Mikey

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